New York Times: Bolton says accusation investigation should investigate Trump’s actions outside of Ukraine

According to Bolton, this meeting said “Xi tells Trump that the US-China relationship is the most important in the world,” during a meeting between two leaders in Osaka, Japan, and “some (anonymous) American political figures with China. he was making wrong decisions by calling for a new cold war. “

“I don’t know if Xi wants to hit the Democrats or some of us sitting on the US side of the table, but Trump immediately assumed that Xi meant the Democrats. Trump affirmed that there was great hostility to China among the Democrats.” Bolton writes in WSJ.

“Trump surprisingly turned the speech into a US presidential election, including begging with Xi to ensure China’s economic capacity and earning. He emphasized the importance of farmers and increased China’s soybean and wheat intake in the election results. “he adds.

Bolton claims that Trump will print his full words, “because the government’s pre-broadcast review process has decided otherwise.”

According to the quote, the exchange announced by Bolton between Trump and Xi is just one of several interactions claiming that the allegations of the former national security advisor are disturbing.

New York Times: Bolton says accusation investigation should investigate Trump’s actions outside of Ukraine

Bolton, the House appeal investigation should investigate Trump for potentially suspicious actions beyond those related to Ukraine, According to the New York Timesreceived a copy of the book before its published time.

Specifically, Bolton, Trump’s drawing attention to cases involving law firms in China and Turkey “actually love to give it a personal favor to the dictator,” stressed its willingness to intervene in criminal investigations. According to Times, Bolton said, “The pattern was like the prevention of justice as a way of life we ​​cannot accept.

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Bolton’s book “In the Room That Is” will be released next week, but it has been the focus of a month-long legal war between the White House and the former national security adviser.

The legal struggle for the release of the book, which was billed as an internal scolding of Trump’s foreign policy, climbed on Tuesday to try to take back Bolton’s earnings for the book and potentially halt its publication. For allegedly breaking Bolton’s confidentiality contracts and risking national security by disclosing confidential information.

The White House’s legal action, however, did little to bolster the details of Bolton’s book to the public, as the New York Times and other media outlets announced on Wednesday that they had made advanced copies.

In addition, Bolton published an op-ed called “Trump’s Chinese Policy Scandal” in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, and a US president and an “attempt to avoid absorption” US-China trade issues on his ex-boss. goes into the hole. “

The case filed on Tuesday in Washington, DC’s federal court claims Bolton’s more than 500-page manuscript is “full of confidential information,” and prosecutors say Bolton has withdrawn from an ongoing White House veterinary process for the ongoing book as a result of deals are required.

“(Bolton) negotiated with the United States as a condition of employment in one of the most sensitive and important national security positions in the United States Government and now wants to give up this bargain by deciding that the pre-broadcast review process is one-sided. he decides whether to explain or not. “

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The legal approach in the case is one of the most extreme attempts to stop an old Trump adviser’s experience in recent years, and the management’s long-term attempt to stop publishing the book results in major First Amendment results.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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