New Freedom of Movement for British Lawyers in Switzerland 01.03.2021 »Lawyer, Freedom of Movement, Great Britain, United Kingdom» Lawyer / Arbitrator, Law »Law-News

Implementation of amendment in BGFA

On January 20, 2021, the Federal Council (BR) inserted an amendment of September 25, 2020 into the Federal Act on the Free Movement of Lawyers (Lawyers Act, BGFA) on March 1, 2021.

After the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) and on the national state of the United Kingdom based on Part Four of the 25.02.2019 agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the rights of citizens. is implemented. In Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the EU attorneys apply in accordance with the provisions of the movement.

Apart from the legal basis, the British lawyers’ right to free movement – as far as is recognizable – changes nothing.

10 SR 935.61

11 SR…; Bbl 2020 1085

art. 2 BGFA Personal Scope (- Before -)

1 This law applies to those who are admitted to the bar and who represent the parties before the courts in Switzerland within the framework of lawyer monopoly.

2 It sets out the modalities for the representation of parties by lawyers to judicial officers who are citizens of the European Union (EU) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states.4

3 These methods also apply to Swiss citizens who are authorized to practice the legal profession under one of the professional titles listed in the Appendix to a member state of the European Union or EFTA.5 Do the exercise.

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