Mick Jagger: His brother Chris “lost him at age 20”, the heartbreaking secrets of “The Other Jagger”

But Mick Jagger’s schedule is still full today and doesn’t really leave much room for him. ,If I wrote ‘hey brother’ [l’une de ses dernières chansons, ndlr], It is also to wake up my brother’s absence, because it sometimes weighs heavily on me. Due to imprisonment in the United States and touring the Rolling Stones, I have barely seen him in recent years.A little sad, he says, even though he knows they both have a “life full of kids, full of music.”

He also knows that despite the distance and their time-consuming careers, they still manage to find time for each other. ,We talk on the phone often with Mick“He reveals.”We tell each other about our lives, like two brothers who get along well. We have the same roots. that no one can take away from us,

And Mick Jagger knows how to take breaks from time to time to answer his brother’s calls and especially so that they can work together as they did to sing. someone saw my heart, ,we only have two voices […], I like this. I wanted a voice other than mine. I offered to record backing vocals. Mick was busy at the time, so we shelved the project. In the end, we did it in Tuscany, where they rented a house with a great studio“, he remembers.

They also quickly shoot clips for the song: “I had to organize everything. Mick was overwhelmed. He was about to leave for his US tour with the Stones. We made the clip in the basement of his London home. He was exhausted but as utterly supportive as ever. that was amazing!“A lovely statement from a brother who can only be jealous”because she has more hair“And whose music is worth listening to!

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