Le Matin – Europe promotes its vaccination programs

Europe on Friday boosted its immunization programs by doubling its Pfizer-BioNTech dosage orders, while China cut off two of the world’s largest cities to prevent new outbreaks of Kovid-19.

After facing criticism of the slowness of vaccination campaigns on the continent, Europe is preparing a forthcoming authority in the European Union (EU) of a third vaccine, following AstraZeneca / Oxford, which is after Pizer / BioNTech and modern. . The European Medicines Agency (EMA), under pressure from member states, said on Friday that a decision on the vaccine could be taken in late January. The European Commission announced on Friday that it had ordered an additional 200 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, with 100 million more options for a total of 600 million doses. They will begin to be delivered in the second quarter of 2021. With Pfizer / BioNotech and Modern Vaccines, “We have already ensured the dosage, which allows us to vaccinate 380 million Europeans, is over 80%. Population, and other vaccines in the coming weeks.” More months will follow, ”said Ursula von der Leyen, the chairman of the commission.
The rapid proliferation of new variants of coronaviruses is worrying, vaccines, designed in record time, are still not being deployed extensively. As reported by the BioNotech laboratory, the BioNotech / Pfizer vaccine appears to be effective against “mutating mutations” in British and South Africa coronaviruses. And with the right syringes, it is possible to extract six doses per vial of the Pfizer / Bioentech vaccine compared to the current five doses, thus increasing the ability to use already ordered vaccines, European Wine Agency (EMA) . The United Kingdom, the epidemic-hit country with the highest number of 78,000 dead in Europe, increased its terror in the fight against Kovid-19 after Kovid and Astra approved the modern vaccine on Friday. -Zeneca. The clock is ticking and the Mayor of London warns that hospitals are at great risk. Including a coordinated response from public services, Sadiq Khan said on Friday, “The situation in London now extends beyond control,” the situation is grim. For Western countries, the vaccine is the main hope to come out of the epidemic, which continues with around 1.9 million people worldwide and 87 million confirmed cases.

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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