Issa Goraseb’s message of hope to the students of Science Po Paris

At the invitation of the “Sciences Pistes Por Le Liban” student initiative, working in partnership with the Science Po Arab World Association, Issa Goraseb gave a talk-debate at the Institut d’tudes, on the occasion of Independence Day on 22 November. Politico de Paris (Science Po Paris). “Lebanon is defeated, Lebanon will be rebuilt” was the theme of the meeting.

During his presentation, our columnist and former editor-in-chief returned to the situation in Lebanon, a country of cedars, sectarian tensions, economic crises, the specific case of Hezbollah, “state within state and even nation-wide”. “Political blockades, significance of 2022 legislative elections…

Above all, on the occasion of this meeting with the students, he wanted to “remind the young Lebanese diaspora, but also to his peers from France, the Arab world and elsewhere, that it is indeed in moments of extreme anxiety that should be doubled.” by the flame of faith and hope”. He further added, “In this twenty-first century, countries are made and formed not by the sole decree of the powers, but by the insistence of the population to live together, share the same destiny. “The utility, what I am calling the necessity, of tolerating a multicultural Lebanon within a region of the world plagued by bigotry and victimization of religious minorities, it is a priority for Lebanon to confirm that it and, of course, to demonstrate this: to prove that when Pope John Paul II qualified Lebanon as a country-message, the holy man had his feet firmly planted on the ground”, He said. She deserves to be put back to work a hundred times instead of throwing away the delicate human form. To reconcile national ideals and cold geopolitical realities, it must be possible, damn it, even for this country, to reconcile national ideals and cold geopolitical realities, of its own government. To bring the system up to standard without ever cheating”.

“My young friend,” he concluded, “the multidisciplinary training you are provided at this very prestigious establishment makes you the elite, the decision makers, the opinion leaders of tomorrow. Your presence here this evening already testifies to your natural attachment or your friendship to the cedar country. However, nothing will do more than being able to convey the passion of Lebanon to those who do not yet have it. Nothing, except one day the new To give rise to the unexplored solutions of seeing fantasies: to help solve a very complex case study, to succeed where elders have failed dramatically.”

At the invitation of the “Sciences Pistes Por Le Liban” student initiative, working in partnership with the Science Po Arab World Association, Issa Goraseb gave a talk-debate at the Institut d’tudes, on the occasion of Independence Day on 22 November. Politico de Paris (Science Po Paris). “Lebanon is defeated, Lebanon will be rebuilt” was…

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