Iran asks Europeans to mediate with the United States

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The head of Iranian diplomacy on Monday proposed to his European counterpart to play the role of mediator between Washington and Tehran to save the Iranian-American settlement. It thus seems to open the door for the first time to the “synchronized” process, while each country refuses momentarily for the first step.

The Iranian Foreign Minister on Monday 1 February asked the European Union (EU) to mediate between Iran and the United States to save the Iran nuclear deal. “Obviously the Spurs of the agreement could have a mechanism to synchronize the withdrawal of the two countries,” or coordinate what can be done, “Mohammad Jawad Zarif told CNN International.

According to him, Joseph Burrell, the head of European diplomacy “can put his hat on as the coordinator of the Joint Committee” to oversee the 2015 agreement, and choreograph the measures taken by the United States and the measures it takes. ” Iran “.

The Great Powers (United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom) as well as the European Union signed their nuclear program with strict limits to prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining nuclear bombs by Tehran. Which is especially civil and peaceful living. The international community in turn had lifted all its economic sanctions against Iran.

But former US President Donald Trump condemned him on the nuclear front as inadequate, saying he was not attacking Iran’s ballistic missile program and other “volatile” activities in Iran’s Middle East, withdrawing Washington in 2018 , And then tightened US sanctions. Europeans have always denied the Republican billionaire’s decision, and have done everything for three years to try to save the agreement.

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The new president, Joe Biden, has promised to rejoin the text, but on condition that Tehran first returns to the fingernails of its nuclear embargo, from where it liberates itself in response to United States sanctions started.

Open door

However, Iranian diplomacy has so far demanded that the Biden administration take the first step by removing the first ban. Mohammad Jawad Zarif’s proposal seems to open the door to a “synchronized” process for the first time, even if he reaffirms that Americans, who have abandoned the agreement, must first “demonstrate their good faith”.

In an interview with US channel NBC, which aired on Monday, the new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speculated that Iran would take “a little time” to get back on the nails, yet there would be “a definite time” for it. The States “assesses whether it has fulfilled its commitments”.

“Time is not the problem,” replied his Iranian counterpart. According to him, some limits can be met “in less than a day,” others may take a few days or weeks, but no longer than the time it takes to implement the United States decree. Will take. Presidential election “required. Remove the restriction.

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About the Author: Forrest Morton

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