In the United Kingdom, a nightclub welcomed 3,000 greens for the first test night



United Kingdom: 3,000 revelers on a test night in a nightclub
France 2
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a Liverpool, officials organized, Friday, a festive event of magnitude at a nightclub with 3,000 participants. The purpose of this medically controlled experiment is to reopen the discotheque.

Party to pursue science. A nightclub was held in Liverpool on Friday 30 April as a life-size test to reopen these establishments by British authorities. 3,000 happy guinea pigs, huddled together, without masks or at risk of fines upon leaving, had to present a negative PCR test of less than 24 hours and agreed to be medically monitored during and after dusk.

“We ask participants to repeat a test at home on the same day and five days later, they should complete a questionnaire, we measure the air and its composition … All this will allow us to define sanitary systems Reopen the nightclubs and keep them open “,” Description Ian Buchan, Professor at the Institute of Public Health in Liverpool. Nine pilot programs are planned by the end of May.

The participants were happy and happy. “Ever since this has happened to me, it seemed to me that we might never do it again one day, so living here is indescribable.”, Launched a young woman.

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