She was not as successful as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who had a full house, hailed as a rock star at Sciences Po Rennes in late November. However, about 150 to 200 students took their places at the Erasmus Amphitheater this Friday afternoon to listen and discuss with Nathalie Arthoud. The spokesman for Lutte Ouvarier, a third-time candidate in the presidential election, immediately showed color. “I’m not aiming to sit in the presidential chair, that’s not my goal,” she explained. My ambition is bigger, of a changing society and world.”
In doing so, the Trotskyist candidate seeks to “overthrow a capitalist society where only money matters”. Facing an apparent leaning to the left of the audience, the economics professor was rather spontaneous, answering students’ questions on various topics such as religion or the international situation for nearly two hours.
“I’m not leading a clear fight”, assures the candidate
But, astonishingly, it was above all a question of class struggle. On the one hand “the camp of the bourgeoisie which dominates and oppresses” and on the other the “camp of the workers” which protects body and soul. “And the workers? », launched a young woman in the room. A slightly embarrassed smile on the part of the candidate. “I am not fighting an obvious battle, I am fighting to change the world and for this there is a huge mass of all those people. Need gatherings that make up the world of work, answer candidate. The rebellion will come from activists and youth.
However, the youth was not discussed much during the debate. When some candidates mention a student income or minimum youth, Nathalie Arthoud defends his proposals to raise the minimum wage to 2,000 euros per month or eliminate unemployment by better distributing working time. The idea and “an interesting vision for the future”, according to Arno. “My mother is a smicard and I worked in a factory for a few months, says the student. So I was able to realize that things were unacceptable in the business world.
Students tempted by melanchon vote
In two weeks the youth will not vote for the candidate of Lutte Auvarire. Instead that would slip a Jean-Luc Mélenchon ballot into the ballot box, a “useful vote”, according to him. Many of the students crossed upon the exit will do the same as Clemens. “I could have been tempted by Arthoud or Pouto, but they have no chance of being in the second round”, he assured.
A little further, another student who wishes to remain anonymous is more perplexed. “Revolution is a great idea, but it seems far away,” underlined the young man. And I don’t think society is ready for that.”
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