How to open HEIC photo and convert it to JPG or PNG?

Friend sends you a picture in HEIC format and unfortunately you can’t see it? No need to call a marabout or change phone. Read this tutorial and you will get to know everything about HEIC.

Article produced by Pierre-एडdouard Laurent

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a. by importing photo HEIC from your iPhone or iPad Windows PC, you may have noticed that your computer was unable to read it. It’s not a question of PC/Mac compatibility, it’s just that this image format is attractive to your computer. On your recent Mac (High Sierra and later), HEIC is fully recognized by macOS. Don’t worry, it’s possibleDisplay a HEIC Image on Windows and Convert It In other formats like JPG or PNG.

What is HEIC/HEIF File?

HEIC (for High Efficiency Image Codec) is the default image format for the iPhone and iPad. It appeared in September 2016 with the release of the iPhone 7 (with the A9 chip) and iOS 11. Contrary to what one might think, HEIC technology was not invented by Apple, This is the work of the independent MPEG Group (Moving Picture Experts Group), for which we are already indebted to the well-known MPEG video codecs. This international group of experts developed the HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format) standard in 2013 and only finalized it in 2015. With the improvement of video sensors, the idea was to find A codec that consumes less storage space than JPEG, but is also of better quality, The HEIF image format is actually based on the development of the HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) video codec, often referred to as H265 because it is later than H264 (=MPEG 4). The idea is to find a replacement for JPEG older than 1992.

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What are the benefits of HEIC?

Unlike JPEG which is a simple photo codec (program encoding/decoding multimedia information), HEIF (and hence HEIC) is also a container. ie that”It can bring one or more image files together, but also additional data,

it could be metadata EXIF Tags (information related to each shot such as ISO, shutter speed), xmp (steps of editing the snapshot such as rotation or saturation), a alpha channel (for transparency) or a depth map (Recording a face “cut out” in portrait mode). apple added other metadata Especially for filters like its HEIC standard.

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It is thanks to HEIF that it is always possible Find Original Photos on iPhone/iPadDespite resizing, emoji and other tweaks. Actually, All changes to HEIC/HEIF file are non-destructiveAccording to computer jargon. In other words, it is always possible to go back to the original photo regardless of cropping or further editing. A file invisible to us (and contained in the HEIC file) holds the various editing steps, and applies it to the original image file in real time, like a giant Photoshop layer. This is a significant advantage over JPEG because the quality of the image deteriorates as you edit.

In addition, HEIF is A container capable of holding multiple images, HDR sequences, GIFs or bursts of photos taken on the iPhone/iPad are thus the result of HEIC.

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Lastly, HEIC offers Better Compression than JPEG, Apple announced that its HEIC codec reduces the size of a JPEG file by up to 50% for equivalent or better quality. A JPEG image is actually coded at 8 bits whereas HEIC allows coding at 16 bits (hence more nuance in dark and light tones). The downside of this new codec is that it requires more computing power.

by default, neither Windows 10 or Windows 11 cannot read this format of foreign file. In Windows File Explorer or the Photos app, HEIC files will not be recognized and unreadable. so it is necessaryinstall small software so that your HEIC file will be accepted by Windows, especially its file explorer. Rest assured, there is no need to take out a credit card. There’s a legacy of HEIC (usually paid) apps out there, but Microsoft has a free one.

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It has a sweet name” Extension d’images HEIF , [  ], Then click “Get” from the dedicated page on the Web (which will redirect you to the Windows Store) or type “HEIF Image Extensions” into the Windows Store search box. 1.52 MB program installed and Your images then appear in File Explorer As well as in the native photo application. If you have updated your version of Windows 10 (version 1803 and above), HEIC/HEIF files will be read correctly by your operating system.

HEIC is a format full of advantages, but which is still used by very few software (Office suites, some editing software…) or web services (WordPress…). That’s why we recommend you to convert it to JPEG or PNG for easy operation. Once the “HEIF Image Extension” is installed, the application photos, the viewer installed by default of Windows, is able to open a HEIC file in JPEG, but also in PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF …

Other than this, Colour., the native Windows image editing program, can also open and convert a HEIC/HEIF file. However, Photos or Paint are limited to converting images because they cannot batch process.

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To perform batch conversion of HEIC/HEIF images, it is therefore better to turn to specialized software. There are several apps (free and paid) available for conversion:

copytrans Particularly easy to use. After installing the application, open File Explorer and then right click on HEIC photo to convert. A menu opens and then suggests “Convert to JPEG with CopyTrans”. Validate with a left click. Photos are converted to JPEG in the same folder. Original HEIC files are not deleted.

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Which applications can open HEIC / HEIF files?

Newer photo editing applications are able to open (and convert) HEIC files. Thus we note the paying periods like Photoshop Where intimacy photo, but also open source software such as GIMP (since version 2.10) or Krita.

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Which web services are used to convert HEIC/HEIF file to JPEG?

If you only need the files occasionally, a web service may suffice. Unlike an app, there is no need to install an executable (sometimes prohibited on some desktop PCs). Requires only recent web browser, Like any file sent over a web platform, it is potentially hackable and accessible to malicious people. That’s why we advise against using a cloud conversion service for professional (sensitive data) or intimate images.

List of Online HEIC>JPEG Converters (Cloud Computing):


By default, photos and videos are saved in HEIC. For better portability of your data, it may be more appropriate to change your settings. just go in Adjustment , camera , Format, then tick most compatible, From then on, photos will be saved in JPEG and videos in MOV (with the MP4 codec). Remember that screenshots are not affected as they are kept in PNG format.

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