How to find Pascal, Pearls, and Mermaid set DIY recipes in New Horizons explained •

Pascal is one of the many special visitors, such as Gulliver and Redd, who can visit your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Though, unlike the other visitors, Pascal can only be found out in the sea surrounding your island, which means, if you want to find him, you need to go swimming.

Once you have found Pascal, however, he may give you a DIY recipe for a piece of the Mermaid set.

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How to find Pascal in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

To find Pascal in New Horizons you first need to buy a wetsuit, so that you can go swimming.

Once you’re all suited up, head down to the sea and start diving for sea creatures.

The exact creature you’re looking for is a scallop, which, luckily, can be found at any time of day and throughout the year.


When you do eventually find a scallop, there’s a chance that Pascal will appear in the waters nearby and swim over to you. He’ll ask for the Scallop and, in exchange, he’ll give you either DIY recipe for the Mermaid, a pearl or an outfit piece inspired by the Mermaid set.


You can trade a scallop with Pascal once per day, but you might have to find multiple scallops for him to appear. This means that, like Wisp, Pascal can visit your island at the same time as another visitor.

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Mermaid set DIY recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons explained

In return for a scallop, Pascal will give you a DIY recipe for a piece of the New Horizons’ version of the Mermaid set. This set works well with the Shell furniture set, which you might have already discovered, and can help create a magical, underwater themed, room in your house.

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To craft a piece of the Mermaid set, you’ll need to collect both a variety of shells and pearls.


Mermaid set list for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The Mermaid set contains a special wallpaper, flooring and a variety of furniture for you to collect.

There are also a number of Mermaid-set-inspired clothing items that you can receive. These are:

  • Mermaid Fishy Dress
  • Mermaid Princess Dress
  • Mermaid Shoes
  • Mermaid Tiara

Below you can find our list for the Mermaid furniture set in New Horizons, including every crafting material you need to make each item.

Thank you to yuecrossing from Twitter for the help with this information.

Mermaid Set Furniture Crafting Material Required
Mermaid Bed x2 Pearl
x2 Giant Clam
x5 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Chair x1 Pearl
x1 Giant Clam
x5 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Closet x2 Pearl
x1 Giant Clam
x2 Coral
x5 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Dresser x2 Pearl
x1 Giant Clam
x3 Coral
Mermaid Flooring x2 Pearl
x2 Sea Snail
x2 Sand Dollar
x2 Coral
x2 Giant Clam
x2 Cowrie
Mermaid Lamp x1 Pearl
x3 Conch
x2 Coral
x2 Iron Nugget
Mermaid Rug x1 Pearl
x3 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Screen x2 Pearl
x3 Giant Clam
x5 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Shelf x1 Pearl
x1 Giant Clam
x4 Coral
Mermaid Sofa x1 Pearl
x10 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Table x1 Pearl
x4 Sand Dollar
Mermaid Vanity x1 Pearl
x1 Gaint Clam
x2 Coral
x2 Iron Nugget
Mermaid Wall Clock x1 Pearl
x3 Sea Snail
x2 Coral
x2 Iron Nugget
Mermaid Wall x2 Pearl
x2 Sea Snail
x2 Sand Dollar
x2 Coral
x2 Gaint Clam
x2 Cowrie
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New to Animal Crossing? Our Animal Crossing New Horizons tips can help with the basics.

From the off, there’s fish and bugs to catch, flowers and fruit to grow with Leif selling seeds, villagers to add or remove and tools such as the new ladder and vaulting pole to collect.

Once you have settled in, you’ll want to be making as many Bells as possible, start collecting K.K. Slider songs and work on your island star rating, increase your HHA ranking, incorporate Feng Shui into your room design and acquiring kitchen furniture. You can also buy fake art from Redd.

Recently added were swimming, sea creatures and Pascal.

How to find pearls in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

If you want to make anything from the Mermaid set, then your first job is to hunt down some pearls.


Pearls, like sea creatures, can be found by diving. Simply swim over to the nearest set of bubbles and hope that what you find is a pearl. They are, however, very rare, so don’t be surprised if it takes you a while to find one.


Pascal might also occasionally offer to trade a pearl for one of the scallops you find.


Good luck finding Pascal and completing the Mermaid set!

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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