Health ministry says Mexican triplets with coronavirus are stable

The triplets were born in San Luis Potosí, Central Mexican state, and tested for coronavirus on June 17. The tests were conducted to comply with the state’s health protocols at preterm births, according to the state’s Secretary of Health Monica Rangel. Health officials said the test results were positive again three days later.

At the press conference Wednesday, “The triplets we watched are determined. They are developing positively. One of them continues to use antibiotics, but they are doing well. We hope they can meet with their parents soon this time.” .

According to Rangel, the parents of the triplets also tested negatively for the coronavirus. He said that they could see their newborn baby with video calls.

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“We have to look, maybe [the virus] crossing the placenta. This is not something we can be sure of. These are the theories we have to look at. A new virus. There is still no international literature on this subject, but it is worth reviewing. “

Earlier in the week, Rangel said the test was carried out on the day they were born.

Mexico is approaching 200,000 cases of coronavirus. On Tuesday, the country recorded another daily record of cases confirmed by the ministry of health, which reported 6,288 new cases. It brings the total of this country to 191,410.

The ministry said the virus had 793 new deaths and brought the country’s death rate to 23,377.

Health officials of the case yesterday “Unheard” and “a very relevant scientific achievement”.

They said that the mother was exploring various potential sources of contamination, such as breast milk. Officials developed a respiratory infection in one of the babies, but “responded well to antibiotics,” he said.

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“Now we have the negative result of PCR [polymerase chain reaction] “The tests on both parents are more relevant not only for the investigation of our state doctors, but also for worldwide research on the behavior of the virus,” he said.

Triplets Ignacio Morones was born in Prieto Central Hospital.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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