A Roman student tested positive Omicron. download version of, It’s a re-infection since The young man had already had covid in August, With the delta version. And then a domestic issue, because the boy has not gone abroad in the last two weeks. was to convey the newsKovid Crisis Unit of Lazio Region, “The confirmed Omicron patient is a student from Rome, who has not traveled in the past 14 days. He complained of exhaustion and is positive for swabs sequenced in one of the regional network’s laboratories, resulting in confirmed Omicron version. The same student has already been positive for the Delta version in August, so it’s a case of re-infection”, reads the note.
Positive student at Omicron: She had attended a party
“The student, very cooperative, lives with her parents, to whom she reports that she has correctly isolated herself and they test negative for the swab. Five days before the swab result she romps had attended a party at a club in the center of – Regional Crisis Unit continues -. The reconstruction of the cases has been the most cooperative and till now four additional positive cases have been reported, of which sequencing is in progress. Others, unknown to the student, attended the party in the club, and the marks being reworked would be a very demanding task”.
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