Happiness Report: Morocco jumps 6 places in world ranking

Happiness Report: Morocco jumps 6 places in world ranking

This is 5.060. Ranked 100th out of 146 countries with an index of

Moroccans are far from being the happiest in the world, but their level of happiness is rising. This is indicated by the latest United Nations World Happiness Report published every year since 2012. Morocco is ranked 100 out of 146 countries with an index of 5.060. Note that Morocco ranked 106th worldwide in the previous report published in 2021. Thus, the Kingdom has moved up 6 places in the new ranking. Remember that this document is based on socio-economic indicators. The level of satisfaction is assessed on the basis of six main indicators: income, healthy life expectancy, independence, social support, good governance and generosity. At Maghreb level, Morocco is ahead of Tunisia which is ranked 120th globally and Mauritania (133rd). At the same time, Libya is ranked 86th in the world ranking. In Africa, with an index of 6.071, Mauritius ranks 52nd in the world.

We are ranked second with Ivory Coast (88th globally) with an index of 5.235, followed by South Africa (91st), Congo (99th), Mozambique (101st), Cameroon (102nd), Senegal (103rd). ), Niger (104th). , Gabon (106th), Guinea (109th), Ghana (111th), Benin (115th), Uganda (117th), Nigeria (118th), Kenya (119th), Mali (123rd), Namibia (124th). In the Middle East, the top of the platform is occupied by Israel which is ranked 9th in the world ranking with an index of 7.364. It is followed by the Gulf countries, namely Bahrain (21st), United Arab Emirates (24th), Saudi Arabia (25th) and Kuwait (50th). Surprisingly, the Nordic countries still lead with the best score. In addition to achieving high results for income levels, life expectancy and social support, they score high for independence, trust and a sense of generosity. For five consecutive years, Finland has been the happiest country in the world with an index of 7.821.

It is followed by Denmark with 7.636, Iceland (3rd), Switzerland (4th) and Netherlands (5th), Luxembourg (6th), Sweden (7th), Norway (8th), Israel (9th) and New Zealand with the index. . (10th). Canada (15th), the United States (16th) and the United Kingdom (17th) all made the top 20. Meanwhile, France is again in 20th place. Among the major powers, Germany is ranked 14th, China (72nd), Russia (80th), India (136th). The least happy countries in the world are Lebanon and Afghanistan which are at the bottom of the ranking. Lebanon is ranked 145th with an index of only 2.955, followed by Afghanistan, again this year at the last spot with a score of 2.404.

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