Hamza Tauzzel, the first Muslim Lord Mayor of Westminster

Another MRE makes a political breakthrough. In a statement, Westminster City Council announced the election of Labor member Hamza Tauzzel as Lord Mayor of the City of Westminster on 8 May. He specified, “he is the only holder of black, Asian or multi-ethnic origin to hold the status of the city’s first citizen”.

Read: Zara Mohamed, first woman to head Britain’s largest Muslim organization

The young politician welcomed his election with great joy and great joy. “It’s a real honor and a privilege and an absolute surprise,” said Hamza Tauzel, noting the “rarity” of being born in the city and having a Lord Mayor like him. A young man from the working class, intends to revolutionize the Moroccan-British non-political role and join the local community.

To read: Ihsane Haouach, the first female government commissioner in Belgium veiled

“Many people don’t know what a Lord Mayor is or does and I really want to turn that into the year I’m in office,” the new graduate of King’s College London pledges. This is a job that is above politics, so you have to keep the office out of the day-to-day business of the council or it will lose its importance. ,

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