François Hollande’s former adviser Lawrence Boone appointed Secretary of State for Europe – Liberation

Government of Elizabeth BorneoCase

The economist at the OECD, François Hollande’s former adviser for economic issues, enters the government, replaced by Clement Beaune, removed for transport.

The two met in June 2014 at the Elysee Palace. He (Emmanuel Macron), then left his position as Deputy Secretary General of the Elysee Palace, which he had held since 2012. He (Lawrence Boone) took the first step in politics. On the role of economic and financial advisor to the presidency of the republic. After six years, who has been deputy secretary general of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since January 2022, she is making a comeback to politics. With Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna appointed this Monday as secretary of state in charge of Europe, Boone replaces Clement Boone, who was demoted to transport.

During the Hollande era, the arrival of the woman who then wrote columns in the liberal daily OpinionWho also has a CV where the names of major Anglo-Saxon banks appear, harassed the socialists in power. “I have leftist leanings”defended the interested party in the column of World, It is not certain whether the same welcome is reserved for him in the current government, which was reshuffled on Monday, clearly leaning to the right.

women of influence and network

A graduate of the prestigious London Business School, a master’s degree in economics from the University of Paris x Nanterre and a master’s degree in econometrics from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, Lawrence Boone began his career as an analyst at Merrill. Lynch, prior to joining the OECD’s Department of Economics. Between the two, he spent time at the Center for Prospective Studies and International Information, CEPII, where he met Jean Pisani-Ferry. The economist, on the left, will be one of the contributors to Emmanuel Macron’s program in 2017.

In 2014, Boone joined Barclays, another bank in the City of London. In Paris, where he is chief economist, he is overseen by Jean-Pierre Joyt, the then-boss of the bank’s French branch, who will become Elysee’s general secretary in 2014. Ten years later, it is he, the Highly Official Headhunter, who will hunt down Merrill Lynch to recruit Boone to Elysee.

In early 2010, economists actually returned to the American bank. A member of the influential Circle of Economists, a group of about thirty academics who irrigate public debate with ideas, he expanded his network by teaching at Boone Polytechnic and Normale Super. Quoted in Women of Influence, 2019. among “50 Most Influential French People in the World” In Vanity FairThe 50-year-old frequents the planet’s “big guys” at international summits like the Davos Forums. His invitation in 2015 to a meeting of leaders and big bosses in the very selective – and secretive – Bilderberg Group, Austrian Tyrol, also drew a lot of ink.

Commitment to Manuel Walls

At the same time, Boone also stirred up a scuffle between Kering’s board of directors, where François-Henri Pinault, the son of the founder of the tricolor luxury giant, dubbed him and the Socialist Party secrets. In the middle of PS’s primary campaign, in 2010, macroeconomics expert Manuel Valls feeds the program. What to list it on the left? If she bore some similarities to Lionel Jospin at the turn of the 2000s, her academic and “analytical” profile ranked her among supporters of the social-liberal line. On a personal level, the mother of two has been described as: “Model of the Active Woman”Said a relative of his with Le Figaro in 2014.

After spending two years at Elysee Palace, Lawrence Boone returned to the private sector in 2016, joining insurer AXA. Along with François Hollande, whom she advises on multilateral and European economic issues, Boone will specifically request Greece’s maintenance in the euro area amid the storm of the sovereign debt crisis. It will also work on the funding of COP 21.

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