First vaccine for people with autism or developmental disabilities

The Minister of Health, Lionel Carment, wants to increase the place of people with an intellectual disability (ID) or an autism spectrum (ASD) in order of priority for vaccines.

On Tuesday, the minister said he is occasionally “working hard” on counseling on the effects of the epidemic on mental health.

It is already “acquired” that people in this group who reside, where older people also live, are vaccinated at the same time, the minister indicated. This is now to improve access to people who have a disability but live at home or in intermediate resources (IR).

The epidemic has greatly exacerbated the crisis and vulnerability of these people, Martin Cauiet, a researcher specializing in the field at the University of Quebec at Tris-Rivières (UQTR), explained during a presentation on Tuesday.

“The vaccine does not just have a physical effect, it has an effect on mental health,” he said. “It would be a concrete gesture to reassure them. »Depending on the idea of ​​catching it, some isolate themselves to the extreme; Others have developed handwashing compulsions and many misunderstand the instructions. Finally, a large number of people living along the autism spectrum are unable to bear the mask due to their hypersensitivity.

As elders there

From the outside, many of those who live in intermediate resources (IR) were confined to their rooms in the same way as the elders in residence, underlining Mr. Cauette. “These people have been considered unsafe since the onset of the epidemic. The order of vaccination should reflect this. “

As to what their priority level should be, the researcher suggests that they be vaccinated at the same time as adults aged 60–69 are not ill. This category 7 group is not part of the six “so-called priority” categories. It is followed in order of priority by adults under 60 years of age, including chronic illness (8), adults under 60 who provide essential services and are exposed to users (9). Finally, the rest of the adult population.

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Minister Carment did not specify the level of priority to be given to them.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

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