Faroni says that wearing face masks should not be a political issue to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Pregnant women, a researcher from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday, may be at higher risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital or even needing ventilation if they are infected with coronavirus.

This new information, which has not yet been published, contradicts some previous research suggesting that pregnant women may not be at a higher risk of being ill enough to need treatment in the intensive care unit if they catch the coronavirus.

“There may be physiological changes that may increase the risk of serious illness during pregnancy, and severe illness has been associated with other viral respiratory infections in pregnant women. However, initial reports on Covid’s effect on pregnant women are uncertain.” CDC’s National Center for Vaccination and Respiratory Diseases added in a statement Wednesday at the Meeting on the Vaccination Practices Advisory Committee.

For example, pregnant women are much more vulnerable to influenza.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there are limited data on the risks that pregnant women may face – if any – with Covid-19 – but new information that Oliver presented at the ACIP meeting now contributes to scientific literature. The information is scheduled to be published in a CDC report on Thursday.

The numbers: The report includes information on 326,335 women aged 15 to 44, who had a coronavirus infection between January 22 and June 7. 8,207 pregnancies have been reported among women.

“This new report includes the largest US pregnant woman cohort with a laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Oliver said in his presentation. Said. “Among pregnant women, 31.5% of non-pregnant women were reported to be hospitalized compared to 5.8%.”

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“Pregnant women were 50% more likely to receive intensive care, and mechanical ventilation was 50% higher. Sixteen deaths among non-pregnant women were reported among pregnant women,” said Oliver.

Oliver previously noted that a separate analysis is lower in admission to the intensive care unit and the risk of mechanical ventilation among pregnant women with coronavirus, and there is no statistically significant difference in the risk of in-hospital death – so more research is needed.

“More complete data is needed to assess whether SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy is associated with negative pregnancy or newborn outcomes,” said Oliver.

“However, the results from this study suggest that pregnant women are at increased risk of admission and mechanical ventilation to intensive care units, which are prominent agents of violence compared to non-pregnant women,” said Oliver. Said. “However, the risk of absolute clinical intervention in this population is still very low.”

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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