Derek Chauvin knew what George Floyd did in his death: police chief

According to Minneapolis’s top police, the death of George Floyd’s police custody was “murdered” and the officer pressed the knee to the man’s neck with “knew what he was doing”.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said in a statement released Monday that former police officer Derek Chauvin and another ex-officer Tou Thao, who was related to Floyd’s death, had received training in departments to prevent both people from drowning as their faces were pulled down.

“Mr. Tragic death of George Floyd was not due to lack of education – education was there,” Arrandondo. He told the Star Tribune. Chauvin knew what he was doing.

The chief repeats that Minnesota Chief Attorney General Keith Ellison reiterated that “what happened to Mr. Floyd is murder.

“Chauvin held the knee over Mr. Floyd’s neck for more than seven minutes, and he knew that Floyd was not responding in the last minutes,” he continued.

Arradondo stated that during the May 25 incident, the officers “shouted” to the officers Floyd had stopped communicating and then Chauvin did not respond because he restrained him.

“Also, one of the officers at the scene told Chauvin that Mr. Floyd should be placed in a healing position, and eventually told Chauvin that he couldn’t find Mr. Floyd’s pulse.” Said.

Star Tribune is believed to testify that Minneapolis’s top police describe Floyd’s death as a murder.

The newspaper was announced in response to a public registration request to request the Minneapolis police to be trained to prevent spatial drowning in all 2013 uniform placements.

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Star Tribune reported that a lawyer for Chauvin refused to comment on the case. Chauvin was charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Three other Minneapolis policemen – Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng – are accused of helping and abetting second-degree murder related to Floyd’s death.

All four officers were fired.

A lawyer for Kueng refused to comment on Arradondo’s statement on Wednesday, CNN reports.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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