Cyber ​​warfare that targets Algeria “is not a conjecture of the mind”

The Minister of Communications, the government spokesman, Ammar Belhimer, said yesterday that the cyber war that targets Algeria on its obligation to foreign parties against which it constantly warns is “not a sight of the mind, nor” outside the enemy ” “. “What we are warning against is neither a fan, nor an old-fashioned support for the ‘enemy outside’, the refusal to show any kind of pseudo-democratic performance, this right of the Constitution.” Lies in and is implicated under the law, ” Mr. . Belhimer in an interview with Ilauraq al-Yomi. “All states are now adopting an official principle of official computing control (LIO) to regulate the work done in cyberspace.

The purpose assigned to them is to change the availability or confidentiality of data, creating effects against adverse systems. “Covert campaigns in cyberspace” touch on espionage and sabotage, but also sabotage through propaganda and disinformation, with the intention of undermining the foundation of authority to attack and discredit it and to make it illegitimate On values ​​for “. “To achieve this, very impenetrable paths are taken,” he said.

And to specify that “if traditional media employs humans to produce and disseminate their messages, obeying laws and regulations, ethical or customary rules, it produces a reassuring degree of responsibility, it is now This is not the case for curators of Facebook-Google-Twitter robots that are kept, put on automated pilots, a bit like killer drones that no human takes responsibility for. ”

For the government’s spokesperson, cyberspace is at the center of everyone’s desire for their control for “the first reason: the attraction it creates among the population, especially the young”. In 2020, the Internet was home to about 60% of the world’s population, or 4.5 billion people, of which 3.8 billion have social media accounts.

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Facebook alone records more than 100 billion content every day, a deluge in which neither its algorithm nor its small army of human monitors can truly exist. It is the largest media company in the history of the world, a publisher and a broadcaster at one time, with about 2.6 billion regular users, and billions more on its other WhatsApp and Instagram addictions, Mr. Belheimer said.

“Democracies are coping with their reliance on digital communication technologies that allow the formation of an unlimited-sized global free speech field, combined with the algorithmic irresponsibility of an easily spread mass disinfection. Unprecedented. “Stressful,” the minister said. The media, political leaders, academics and the general public often fail to put historical perspective into the historical spiral of a tilted daily perspective rather than focusing on the latest events and crises.

The Communications Minister underlined in the context that Article 47 in the 2020 Constitution included two categories of rights under the following conditions: “Everyone has the right to protect his personal life and his honor”. “Everyone has the right to privacy of their correspondence and private communications, in all their forms”.

The same article 47 contains two new paragraphs, 3 and 4, to state: “Protection of individuals is a fundamental right in the processing of personal data”. “The law punishes any violation of the above rights”.

L’Est Réoublicain, 17 February 2021

Tags: Algeria, Belheimer, Morocco, cybernetic war, media war,

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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