Coronavirus in Italy, 28,632 new cases today. boom in uk

(teleborsa) – they are 28.632 new cases of coronavirus compared to italy 669.160 buffer between molecular and antigenic, with the rate of positivity increasing 4,27%. 120 the victims. These are the figures for today, Friday 17 December released by the Ministry of Health as every day to take stock of the epidemiological situation in our country.

Age Groups That Record Highest incidence rate weekly for 100,000 residents are pediatric (324, 0-9 years; 302, 10–19 years old) and between 30 and 49 years (215, 30–39 years; 243, 40–49 years). The data emerges from the weekly monitoring of the control room. A “higher vaccination coverage, across all age groups, including 5–11 years, represents the completion of the vaccination cycle and the maintenance of a high immune response through booster doses – we read – to contain the effect of tools needed forEpidemics are also different. maintained byanti-emergent”.

“Merry Christmas, happy holidays, that will lead us to a peaceful New Year: Christmas is a time for shopping and gatherings, but we must remain responsible”. Like this Francesco Paolo Figuolo Visiting Meyer Pediatric Hospital in Florence. “The Italians – he said – are teaching the world: the success we see, which is acknowledged even by the international press, is thanks to the great Italy team”.

Meanwhile, from Monday Veneto, Marche, Liguria and Trento will be in the yellow zone (they will be joined by Friuli Venezia Giulia, Alto Adige and Calabria. Minister Asha signed the order.

Meanwhile, for the third day in a row The absolute record for infection with covid in the United Kingdom is: 93,045 . Were With 111 deaths in the last 24 hours. Daily infections from Omicron nearly doubled to 3,201, taking the total to 14.90.

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