Canterbury Archbishop: In the light of the Black Life Issue protests, he said that it is necessary to portray Jesus as White

Talk BBC Today ProgramWelby In the light of the recent Black Life Topic protests following the “Black Lives Issue”, the Western church’s “painting of Jesus” question was asked whether it should be “rethinked” and “re-imagined”. The death of George Floyd.

“Yes, of course it is,” he said, adding that Jesus is portrayed differently in countries around the world. He said that he was in regular contact with leaders of the Anglican Church from around the world who did not show Jesus as White.

“You enter their churches and you do not see a White Jesus – you see a Black Jesus or a Chinese Jesus or a Middle Eastern Jesus – which is of course the most correct.

“You see Jesus in Fiji – you see that Jesus is depicted as much as cultures, languages, and understandings.”

Welby added that Jesus’ representations are not “who we worship,” but rather “reminds us of the universality of the fully human God.”

British imperialist monuments face bitter reckoning between Black Lives Matter protests
Addressing calls for monuments He said that with the removal of links to Britain’s imperialist history and slave trade, the sculptures at Canterbury Cathedral will be reviewed.

“We will look very carefully and put them in the content and see if they should all be there.” Said.

“Question [about whether they should all be there] it turns out, of course it is, and we’ve seen it all over the world. “

The movement to overturn and evacuate controversial sculptures has drawn traction in Britain, Europe, and the USA, but has split the public – critics applaud this as a “mafia rule,” while others applaud it as a way to address it. “systematic racism.”
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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

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