Britain will re-issue stolen medals to hunted soldiers and go to jail for being gay

It was only in 2000 that Britain repealed a law banning homosexuality in the military. And it was until the day that thousands of British soldiers were expelled from being dishonestly gay. In addition to the sacking, military leaders went on to withdraw their medals, often physically tearing them off their uniforms after court-martial convictions. Many have also been jailed for being gay.
The last military man jailed for homosexuality was David Bonnie, convicted in 1993 by a court martial at Cornival. He joined the RAF at the age of 17, but a copy of it Gay times Found in his room, he began a two-year investigation. His friends and relatives were being wired, questioned and questioned. The court martial sentenced him to six months in prison with one month imprisonment.

Now Minister Johnny Mercer has announced that he wants to overcome “a historical injustice” by relying on medals stolen from gay soldiers. Then he said that he is ready to show that the British Army today is “a positive place to work for all those who have chosen to serve.”
The news was welcomed by British LGBT activists, although they report unresolved problems such as a criminal record that has not yet been cleared or failure to recognize pension rights.

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