Brexit: Let’s get out of the confusion of a “good deal”

Posted on January 18, 2021 at 7:04 am

Unlike Donald Trump’s presence in the White House, Brexit is here to stay. So we should resign ourselves to live with it. And it also believes that the agreement – the product of a meeting between negotiators’ genius and the severity of the epidemic – is a less bad solution for both sides. How, exactly, is there no compromise on fishing at a time when Kovid, in its “English version”, is developing rapidly and even risks spiraling out of control? What is the point when “evil goes on” and regain its borders and sovereignty?

This is the complete contradiction of the weeks that we have just lived. Kovid has made it far more possible and more necessary than the agreement between the Europeans and the British on Brexit and the conduct itself to counter the epidemic between Europeans. Was not London’s absence facilitated between Paris, Berlin, and these “capitals of the north”, which could not rely on the support of the United Kingdom in their desire for budgetary austerity? Germany can approach France and accept a European debt contrary to its principles and its culture. At the time of Kovid, was there no other option?

This is similar to the way Great Britain introduced musical chairs on the chessboard during its departure. It is at a time when France is moving more towards the Mediterranean, if not so, for some critics, to become a “country of the South” itself, that Germany adopts less rigid positions, if not more “centrist. “. »In the economic and geographical sense of the word. A more centralized Germany, which on the eve of Angela Merkel’s departure, holds its more central position within the Union.

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Way of feeling

This short-term development, which may give various opponents of Brexit the illusion of success and the process of victory, cannot hide reality. Is inverted. For Britain, the worst – a non-bargain departure – has certainly been avoided. Similarly, the European Union has been successful in maintaining to the end, and despite efforts by British diplomacy, cohesion among its members. But, over time, economic costs will increase for Great Britain, which has preferred the path of sentiment to the cause.

It should be remembered: Great Britain’s economy represents 20% of the Union. In 2019, 46% of the UK’s merchandise exports went to the continent. In contrast, union exports to the United Kingdom were only 15%. Martin Wolf, the noted economic commentator of the “Financial Times”, compared the situation in Great Britain to that of the Union of the United States vis-à-vis. With a question: Can Great Britain become the part of the right in Europe that Canada is part of the left in the United States: a model, of economic liberalism for the British, of humanity for Canada

Kidnapping of europe

On a strictly political level, the European Union has lost with the United Kingdom (how long, if Scotland takes its independence and if Northern Ireland joins Ireland?) “Mother of democratic countries”. Poor consolation, it lives on with Victor Orbán’s Hungary as the “father of éliberal democracies” … Certainly, parliamentary democracy in English has ceased to shine with all its fire, and has for many years. Of course, Hungary will also survive the Orbán experience. But it remains necessary. At least as far as political culture is concerned, the founding countries of the Union have much more commonality with England than with Central Europe. To use the beautiful phrase of Milan Kundera – the development of “the hijacking of Europe” – since it joined the Union in 2004 and even for almost a decade, remains a legitimate cause for concern for the rest of the member states. .

As Bruno Le Mayer reiterates, we should be cautious with respect to London. Its departure from the Union may not serve as a model for other member states. But it is also important to have as close a relationship with Great Britain as possible. The British tell us that they have not stopped feeling European even after leaving the Union. Let us take them at their word. “Gentlemen English, shoot first! “ The famous formula of the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745 can be applied in another context. It is no longer a question of exchanging pills, but gestures of trust after and despite the divorce.

The British have to show us that they are still Europeans.

The British must demonstrate to us that they remain European: from privileged bilateral cooperation with France to matters of security and defense, to the choice of political and economic inclinations compatible with the Union. At a time when Hong Kong is increasing its pressure on Democrats due to Xi Jinping’s time of China, Islamic terrorism, and the strong attitude of Russia and Turkey’s unions and great countries. Brittany is more “in the same camp” than ever, united on essentials. Let us not spread our efforts in vain fights and suspicion of worthlessness.

We will get the UK we deserve

Britain can choose to lock itself into a chauvinist and agile isolation, making it a nation that would be easy to do without.

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On the contrary, it can remain with Europe as an actor that matters. It would be an exaggeration to say that we will have “Britain of our merits”, as could be said in Germany after the Second World War. However, this comparison includes an element of truth. Solved divorces – if the parties show vision and responsibility – can produce positive results.

Dominic Mo Dominsi is the Special Advisor at Institutional Montaigne.

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About the Author: Forrest Morton

Organizer. Zombie aficionado. Wannabe reader. Passionate writer. Twitter lover. Music scholar. Web expert.

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