Brexit: international education without Britain

The last four students from Salzburg will begin their Erasmus stay in the United Kingdom in January. This success story ends with Brexit.

SALZBURG. Salzburg students can no longer study in Great Britain from 2021 to the duration of the new Erasmus + program. The reason for this is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). “There is a major disadvantage to internationalization in education and science,” says Jacob Kallis, managing director of the Agency for Education and Internationalization (OEAD).

European success story

Erasmus is one of the most popular EU programs and European success stories. “Great Britain has been part of Erasmus since its inception in 1987. Erasmus is an initiative that broadens the horizons of young people, opens up career opportunities and enables friendship. With Erasmus, there may be international mobility that young people might not otherwise be able to afford, ”says Kallis.

Between 2014 and 2019, an average of 50 students from universities in Salzburg completed an Erasmus + abroad in the United Kingdom each year.

Four more coming to Salzburg

There are currently eight students from Salzburg universities studying in Erasmus + institutions in the UK. It is expected that four students from the Universities of Salzburg plan to begin their stay in January 2021. This is still possible because the exit agreement provides for unrestricted participation in the ongoing “Erasmus + 2014-2020” program. All projects approved during the current program period will continue to receive EU funding for the entire duration of the project.

Shift to ireland

In the long term, OeAD expects future applications to be postponed to Ireland or the Nordic countries, which also offer study programs in English.

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