A slogan covers the outer wall: “Not for the colonization of Sheikh Jarrah”. It’s been seven months since a young Palestinian (14 years) detained by Tel Aviv, clinging to his window bars, watching others live when he can’t.
Last June, Israel attempted to evict Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah to make way for Israeli settlers, sparking protests in the occupied West Bank and beyond. Soon after, Ali was arrested in the neighborhood, accused of throwing Molotov cocktails.
Four days later, he was released on the condition that he would remain under house arrest for a week. The following month, he was arrested again, charged with setting ablaze the car of a settler who had confiscated a neighboring house in Sheikh Jarrah a few years earlier. He and his family denied an allegation. And again he is under house arrest, but for an indefinite period.
Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.