AOC approves Eliot Engel challenger at Bronx convention race

WASHINGTON – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed the Democratic primary challenge of a senior House committee chair, who is next to him, the New York region, which is the final struggle of the progressing first-year student against party leaders.

Ocasio-Cortez, who hit the ambiguity of one of the best-known names and faces of the Congress in less than two years, used a series of tweets to announce that he supported Jamaal Bowman, an educator late Wednesday.

In other words, the President of the Ocasio-Cortez Ministry of Foreign Affairs Committee was trying to overthrow the 73-year-old Democrat Representative Eliot Engel. Engel, a liberal, is in the 16th House period and represents a region next to the Bronx and some of Westchester’s Ocasio-Cortez’s Bronx and Queens home base.

“This moment requires nationwide AND renewed and revitalized leadership at the polls,” Ocasio-Cortez said. He tweeted while giving his support to Bowman.

The announcement came in the second week of nationwide protests against the killing of black men by police officers, and after President Donald Trump demonstrated physical strength and ridicule against some violent demonstrators.

He called the African American Bowman “a deep community leader”. There are mostly black and Spanish voters in the region of Engel.

The movement of Ocasio-Cortez also meant that it opposed the Democratic leaders of the Home, who were behind the party officials facing primary rivals. When she first entered the Congress last year, Ocasio-Cortez and three other young women – described themselves as “Squads” – repeatedly clashed with House D-Calif House Head Nancy Pelosi, but these wars have declined in recent months.

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Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel at the Capitol Hill press conference.
Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel at the Capitol Hill press conference.AFP via Getty Images

During the month of March, Engel reported that he raised more than $ 1.6 million in the transportation of the triple Bowman. However, Engel is accused of spending insufficient time in his area, and Bowman’s challenge is considered legitimate.

Bowman requested a fundraising bonus this week after overhearing Engel’s at a press conference seeking time to address the crowd. He told the event organizer that he would not “care” about speaking if he did not meet a principle.

Obstacle campaign spokesman Tom Watson, deputy Pelosi, civil rights symbol Representative John Lewis, D-Ga. And the congress praised the “united skills, ethics and experience” of his colleagues, who said he supported him, including Black Caucus.

“I thought it was important for people to know where I was by running to be re-elected,” Watson also explained Engel’s news conference statement.

Ocasio-Cortez endorsed two more rivals against the conservative Parliamentary Democrats for this year’s elections. Marie Newman Rep. In an Illinois area south of Chicago. Daniel Lipinski, Rep. Henry Cuellar defeated his rival, Jessica Cisneros, with Ocasio-Cortez support.

Democratic Congress Campaign spokesperson said Parliament Democrats’ political arm is looking forward to “continuing to serve its community for years” to Engel.

The region is strictly Democratic and the primary winner is not sure that it will be elected in November.

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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