Anti-Kovid vaccines: 28 million doses administered in 46 countries

World Health Organization Director Michael Ryan said Wednesday, some 28 million doses of Kovid-19 vaccines have been administered in about 46 countries around the world in 36 days.

Michael Ryan, who was speaking during one of the regular question-and-answer sessions that WHO conducts for the general public, expressed concern about the speed of broadcasting in some countries, particularly due to the new variants . Contagious. According to the WHO, since their first identification on 14 December, British variants of coronaviruses have been reported in approximately 50 countries, regions and territories. “We’re entering the second year (of the epidemic) and it can be even more difficult when you look at broadcast rates,” Michael Ryan said.

For vaccination campaigns, he regretted that they are mainly carried out by wealthy countries. “I think we are on 28 million doses of the vaccine administered so far. Five different vaccines or platforms were used.” About 46 countries are in the process of vaccination, but only one is low-income, “Michael Ryan he said.

The WHO and the Alliance for Vaccines (Gavi) set up the Kovics system to distribute Kovid vaccines to anti-Dalit countries, but rich countries suffer from the beggar-thy-neighbor trend and lack money. The WHO aims to distribute doses to 20% of the population of Kovacs participating countries by the end of the year. The UN agency hopes to send the first vaccine in late January or February.

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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