Amazon to open first clothing store

retail business

SEATTLE (AP) — Online giant Amazon is moving into the classic retail business with its first-ever clothing store.

The company announced the opening of its first Amazon style store, which is set to open later this year in a mall near Los Angeles. Customers should receive purchase recommendations through Amazon’s app and scan the QR code on the item to be shown product details as well as available sizes, colors, and ratings.

Amazon wants to offer a wide range of clothing. “You’ll find everything from $10 jeans to designer models,” manager Simonina Wasson told US broadcaster CNBC. Amazon wants to serve every budget.

According to CNBC, the store, with an area of ​​about 2,800 square meters, will be significantly larger than Amazon’s previous stores. Although the American company grew up selling everything over the Internet, it’s been making more and more of a stir in traditional retail over the years.

Founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, the company operates grocery chains under brands such as Amazon Fresh and Go, and also has smaller physical stores for books and other products. Amazon also has a Whole Foods supermarket chain.

According to US media, the group is also planning larger department store-style stores to keep its product range off the Internet.

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