A cat has found its owner five years after it went missing, at the end of a voyage that took it to a Scottish offshore platform from where it was rescued by helicopter, signaling a humane society.
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,We Successfully Rescued a Cat Found on an Offshore Oil Rig in a Shipping Container off Peterhead“East of Scotland, announced the Scottish SCPA in a press release. Recovered on 22 April, the animal benefits”personal return by helicopter“. It was discovered in a container off the coast of Scotland.”We don’t know how the cat got there, but we went to pick him up on the helipad this morning.Scottish SPCA member Amy Findlay said.
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In recent years, the cat had been a frequent visitor to Peterhead Prison, where prison staff fed him and nicknamed him “one-eyed“. But upon examining his microchip, the Humane Society found that his real name”rightAnd he was missing for five years. ,We are really happy that he was well taken care of at the time of his disappearance, but we were able to be reunited with his original owner thanks to his microchip.“, explained the association.
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