- About one million people in France are affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
- It is rare in people under the age of 65.
- The age of onset of the disease has been declining since the age of 20. Some cases are detected between 30 and 40 years of age.
Although Alzheimer’s disease was identified in the early 20th century, its exact causes are difficult to identify. According to Inserm, only 1.2 to 2% of cases are hereditary. Recently, an American researcher became interested in possible environmental causes. in works published in Current Alzheimer’s Research, Martin L. Pal, professor emeritus of biochemistry and medicine at the University of Washington, developed the theory of a link between electromagnetic fields and the early onset of disease. However, they are increasingly present in our daily lives through the electronic devices we use.
Effects on intracellular calcium levels
The link between these electromagnetic fields and Alzheimer’s disease comes from calcium: For nearly 25 years, scientists have been interested in the pathological effects of this chemical element. Studies have shown that an excess of calcium in cells may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The accumulation of calcium in cells leads to various changes in the brain, two of which are conducive to the development of the disease. First, it induces an increase in amyloid precursor protein aggregates, which then form amyloid plaques in the brain. It can also lead to various less specific neurodegenerative changes, such as on tau protein, oxidative stress and inflammation. Sleep, Electromagnetic fields act on our cells by activating voltage-dependent calcium channels (VGCCs). Their activation causes a rapid increase in intracellular calcium levels. ,Therefore, EMF exposures generate changes leading to excess intracellular calcium, Develops the author of the study. This accumulation explains the effects on the brain in Alzheimer’s disease.,
increased exposure to electromagnetic fields
However, electronically generated pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are widely used for wireless communications and generate strong electric and magnetic waves. Previous studies on animal models have demonstrated intracellular calcium levels and their effects on the brain. ,Electromagnetic fields act through electrical spikes and time-varying magnetic forcesS, says Prof. Pal. With each increase in pulse modulation produced by smart cell phones, smart meters, smart cities and radars in autonomous vehicles, these peaks have increased significantly.” In his latest study, he brings together evidence from the scientific literature that demonstrates a relationship between these EMFs and early onset of disease. Among them, 12 recent assessments of occupational exposure to EMFs showed that people exposed to occupational exposure to these areas have a higher incidence of the disease. Other research on rats has shown that exposure to electromagnetic pulses induces neurodegeneration.
need for further research
,Young people exposed to radiation from cell phones or Wi-Fi several hours a day can develop digital dementia.”, Martin L. Says moment. According to him, it is imperative to continue research on this topic.“The results of each of these studies should be shared with the general public.Martin L. believe the moment, so that everyone can take the necessary steps to reduce the incidence of early forms of Alzheimer’s disease,
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