Fever, joint pain, headache (…): These symptoms, which are often debilitating, may be associated with Lyme disease transmitted by ticks. The Higher Authority for Health has just published a guide to better guide patients.
91 cases per 100,000 residents. This is the annual incidence rate of Lyme disease in France. This bacterial infection is called Lyme Borreliosis “In scientific jargon, spread by the bite of a tick infected with the bacteria” Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato “. Many symptoms related to this disease should alert after a bite: eg fever, dermatological, joint, neuromeningeal symptoms …
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Often persistent, usually diffuse and unexplained, these clinical signs can be particularly debilitating (article in the link below). However, today, many patients are facing medical wanderings, leading to delays in care. In order to improve the care of these patients and in view of the increase in cases, the Higher Authority for Health (HAS) in March 2022 issued a ” Guide to the Care Pathway for Patients with Suspected Lyme Borreliosis », intended for healthcare professionals (link below). aim? , Define for each situation encountered, the action to be taken and the patient’s medical orientation » In a city-hospital care route distributed around five reference centers for the management of tick-borne diseases (CR MVT) designated by the Ministry of Health in 2019 (article in link below).
three levels of support
This guide is divided into three levels of support, from the simplest to the most complex. In Level 1, follow-up is provided by the attending physician who removes the tick and administers appropriate antibiotic treatment. Level 2 indicates the need for intervention by a specialist or competency center for tick-borne diseases in the event of Presence of other suggestive signs within six weeks of the bite “.Finally, Level 3 refers to a multidisciplinary specialization in which possible” second line of antibiotic therapy “. HAS also addresses patients themselves by issuing some advice on self-monitoring and prevention. For example, remove ticks immediately using a tick puller, monitor the bitten area for at least a month and if necessary If so, share information related to the development of the patient’s condition with the attending physician.
“All reproduction and representation rights reserved. © Disabled. fr. This article was written by Clotilde Kostill, Handicap.fr journalist”
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