Kovid: India wants to speed up version alarms, GB vaccines – Europe

(ANSA) – London, 14 May – Alarms are rising in the United Kingdom for cases of an ‘Indian version’ of Kovid registered in the country and Boris Johnson’s government is thinking of speeding up the vaccination time – the start event. From areas of the island most affected by – except for the possible re-introduction of local lockdown. “We are not excluding anything from the table,” said Immunization Campaign Minister Nadim Zahavi while answering a question from Sky News today.

The overall scenario of infection and hospitalization in the Kingdom currently remains at European lows and the country has confirmed an important step to ease restrictions in the gradual exit path from the national lockdown of recent months for Monday 17 . While the next step towards almost completely eliminating the limits set for June 21 remains on the calendar, although later subject to verification of data. But Johnson himself announced yesterday that he was worried about the Indian version – which, despite closing borders to travel with India in April – detected 1313 cases on the island according to the latest figures reported by the media Gone: especially in some counties in England with a strong presence of Asian communities such as Derbyshire and more than doubling in 20 days. (the handle).

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